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    Periuta bambus adulti

    (0 recenzie)
    Cod produs:

    6,72 lei 6.72 RON 8,40 lei TVA inclus
    - 20.0%

    8,40 lei TVA inclus

    Not Available For Sale

    Oferta in functie de cantitate:
    Cantitate Pret Discount
    0 - 30 7.00 - 20 %
    30+ 5.00 - 40 %

    6,72 lei 6.72 RON 8,40 lei VAT Included

    8,40 lei VAT Included

    20.0% Off

    Not Available For Sale


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    Categorie: Igiena orala

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    Periuta bambus adulti


    Este o alternativa ecologica a clasicei periute de dinti din plastic. Manerul este facut complet din lemn de bambus 100% biodegradabil.
    A fost creata cu dorinta de a reduce amprenta de carbon si cantitatea de plastic ce sfarseste in depozite, sau in cel mai rau caz in ocean. Aproximativ 2 miliarde de periute de dinti realizate din plastic ajung anual in depozitele de deseuri.

    Bambusul din care este facut manerul periutei este o varianta ecologica, durabila si care creste pana la 1 metru pe zi fara a fi nevoie de pesticide, ierbicide sau ingrasaminte. Datorita capacitatii de regenerare rapida, nu se pune problema despaduririi.

    100% Biodegradabil

    Forma de prezentare: 1 buc.

    It is an ecological alternative to the classic plastic toothbrush. The handle is completely made of 100% biodegradable bamboo wood.

    It was created with the desire to reduce the carbon footprint and the amount of plastic that ends up in warehouses, or in the worst case, in the ocean. Approximately 2 billion plastic toothbrushes end up in landfills every year.
    The bamboo from which the handle of the brush is made is an ecological, sustainable version that grows up to 1 meter a day without the need for pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. Due to the rapid regeneration capacity, there is no problem of deforestation.

    100% Biodegradable

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