Carlig crimpabil mediu lat DTC 10buc.

Carlig crimpabil mediu lat de la DTC Orthodontics (China)
Carligele sunt fabricate din otel inoxidabil medical cu o lungime de 2,2 mm.
Are latimea bazei crimpabile de 2.4 mm.
Este fixat pe arc pentru a oferi ancoraj suplimentar.
Creeaza o fixare puternica, antiderapanta, cu arcul si ramane in pozitie.
Se potriveste pe arcuri rotunde sau dreptunghiulare.
Forma de prezentare: pachetul contine 10 buc. carlig crimpabil mediu lat DTC.
Made of high quality stainless steel. Hook length 2,2 mm.
Width of the crimpable base of 2.4 mm.
It is fixed to the spring to provide additional anchorage.
Creates a strong, non-slip fastening with the spring and stays in place.
Fits round or rectangular springs.
10 pcs pack
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