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    Imprimanta Uniz NBEE Scheu Edition

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    Imprimanta Uniz NBEE de la SCHEU (Germania)

    Cerintele privind eficienta si rapiditatea fluxurilor de lucru profesionale in laboratoarele si cabinetele dentare cresc constant. Prin urmare, cerinta pentru productia de mare randament a dispozitivelor dentare obisnuite creste si ea. Prin introducerea imprimantei UNIZ NBEE, SCHEU-DENTAL ofera cea mai rentabila solutie de productie disponibila in prezent: permite imprimarea rapida a modelelor, a alignerelor si a gutierelor - multe alte dispozitive pot fi realizate mult mai rapid decat inainte cu rasinile noastre IMPRIMO®. Bineinteles, software-ul, precum si o solutie coordonata de post-procesare sunt incluse.

    Caracteristici cheie si beneficii:
    Rapida si productiva: permite imprimarea a 6 modele cu aranjament orizontal in mai putin de 10 minute
    Precisa: rezolutie XY a panoului LCD de 49 µm
    Usor de utilizat: manipulare simpla, calibrare usoara, transfer prin WiFi, Ethernet sau USB
    Potrivit in mod specific pentru aplicatiile dentare: modele, alignere si gutiere, alte indicatii conform gamei de rasini IMPRIMO®
    Spatiu mare de lucru: 192 mm x 120 mm x 180 mm (I x L x A)

    Date tehnice:
    Conexiune: 220 V, 3A, priza pentru aparate reci de 50 Hz (nu este necesara alimentare suplimentara)
    Putere: 660 W
    Dimensiuni exterioare: 380 mm x 380 mm x 1230 mm (I x L x A)
    Spatiu de lucru: 192 mm x 120 mm x 180 mm (I x L x A)
    Greutate: 60 kg
    Conectivitate retea: WiFi, Ethernet, USB
    Panou tactil color: 7”

    The demands on efficiency and rapidity of professional workflows in dental laboratories and practices are constantly increasing. Consequently, the requirement for high production outputs of common dental applications is growing as well. Introducing the UNIZ NBEE printer, SCHEU-DENTAL offers the most cost-effective production solution currently available: It allows for rapid printing of models, direct aligners and splints - many other indications can also be realised much faster than before with our IMPRIMO® resins. It goes without saying that the matching slicing and nesting software as well as a coordinated post-processing solution are included.

    Key features and benefits:
    Fast and productive: allows for printing of 6 models with horizontal arrangement in less than 10 minutes
    Precise: XY-resolution of LCD panel of 49 µm
    User-friendly: easy handling, uncomplicated calibration, transfer via WiFi, Ethernet or USB
    Specifically matched for dental applications: models, direct aligners and splints, further indications according to the IMPRIMO® resin range
    Large building space: 192 mm x 120 mm x 180 mm (H x W x D)

    Technical data:
    Connection: 220 V, 3A, 50 Hz cold appliance plug (no additional power supply required)
    Power: 660 W
    Outer dimensions: 380 mm x 380 mm x 1230 mm (H x W x D)
    Building space: 192 mm x 120 mm x 180 mm (H x W x D)
    Weight: 60 kg
    Network connectivity: WiFi, Ethernet, USB
    Coloured touch panel: 7“

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