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    Aparat termoformare Ministar S

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    Aparat termoformare Ministar S de la SCHEU (Germania)


    Unitatea compacta de turnare sub presiune MINISTAR S® echipata cu tehnologie de scanare. 
    Scannerul citeste materialul codificat, permitand programarea tuturor parametrilor importanti, cum ar fi timpul de incalzire, temperatura si timpul de racire. Cu alte cuvinte: rezultatele precise de turnare sub presiune sunt atinse in timp record datorita incalzitorului extrem de rapid, patentat si a presiunii de lucru de 4.0 bar, reglabila prin regulator de presiune. 
    Noua generatie echipata cu tastatura cu membrana usor de utilizat si display mare. Toti parametrii de functionare sunt monitorizati si indicati pe afisaj.

    Date tehnice:
    Putere: 230/115/100 V, 750 W
    Presiunea de lucru: 0.5 - 4.0 bar
    Dimensiuni (W × H × D): 500 × 210 × 400 mm
    Greutate: 9 Kg.

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    The compact MINISTAR S® pressure molding unit equipped with scanning technology.
    The scanner reads the coded material, allowing the programming of all important parameters, such as heating time, temperature and cooling time. In other words: accurate pressure casting results are achieved in record time thanks to the extremely fast, patented heater and the working pressure of 4.0 bar, adjustable by pressure regulator.
    The new generation equipped with an easy-to-use membrane keyboard and large display. All operating parameters are monitored and indicated on the display.
    Technical data:
    Power: 230/115/100 V, 750 W
    Working pressure: 0.5 - 4.0 bar
    Dimensions (W × H × D): 500 × 210 × 400 mm
    Weight: 9 Kg

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