Lumina Ultra Violet Mini
Lumina Ultra Violet Mini de la Reliance Orthodontics (SUA)
Lumina UV Mini de la Reliance este de mici dimensiuni si se foloseste pentru dezvaluirea adezivilor fluorescenti si a materialelor de sigilare. Aceasta folosita împreuna cu Pad Lock, Pro Seal si GoTo va permite sa verificati aplicatia si acoperirea datorita caracteristicilor fluorescente ale materialelor. Include o mini-lampa pe un breloc si 4 baterii LR41 de 1,5V.
Forma de prezentare: 1 buc.
The Mini UV light from Reliance is small in size and is used for revealing fluorescent adhesives and sealing materials. This used together with Pad Lock, Pro Seal and GoTo allows you to check the application and coverage due to the fluorescent characteristics of the materials. Includes a mini-lamp on a keychain and 4 1.5V LR41 batteries.
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